In this section, you can find German Stories as PDF. Download German Stories PDF to your computer or smartphone and study it at your convenience. You can improve your German reading skills by reading this way. We recommend that you read out loud from time to time. In this way, you will be able to improve your German speaking skills. Unfortunately, speaking German cannot be fully acquired by just reading or listening. It is very important for you to learn the phrases and sentences they use by watching German discussion programs.



Frau Holle

Die 3 Federn



Faust Deutsch

Die Küchenuhr



Ein Star In Gefahr

Hänsel und Gretel

Der große Wildenberg

Der Hase und der Igel

Der zufriedene Fischer

Der kleine Nick am Strand

Des Teufels Rußiger Bruder

Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten

Der Wolf und die sieben Geißlein

Schneewittchen und die sieben Zwerge

Nick und seine Freunde spielen Fußball